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How to play

Write books to earn money. You can unlock genres and writing tools to increase your writing speed and money per second.

Write books by typing in the text box. If you want to automate things up, let your cat sit on top of the keyboard.

Some genres are more profitable than others, their length also varies, it's up to you to find the best one.

First, pick a genre to start writing your book and start typing in the textbox below the notebook page.

Your first books will take long to complete, but be patient!

Good luck!

Got it!


If you rewrite, the game will restart, making you lose your progress.

However, depending on how far you've gone, you will earn Ink, that speeds things up, along with being used to unlock permanent upgrades.

You will earn 0 ink if you reset now. Are you ready?


Delete All Saved Data

Are you sure you want to delete all saved data? This action cannot be undone.

This is not a prestige mechanic, deleted data will be lost forever.

To delete your save, double click the Yes button.


Unlock genres

Writing tools



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